Tag Archives: senior drivers

Misconceptions about Senior Drivers and Unjustified Driver Testing

The attached essay, written by Alistair Hensler of Ottawa and published on August 28, 2014 in the community newspaper, the ‘Nepean-Barrhaven News” will awaken you to how indoctrinated we all are to accepting myths about others, especially about senior drivers and the misguided insistence on senior driver testing of memory.

No cheating now…read to the end to see just how wrong you likely were when you drew conclusions at the first paragraph.

It would seem that more people are becoming wise to the ageism discrimination practiced by Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia and which cannot be backed by evidence… especially since the government has used these misconceptions to facilitate a simultaneous tax grab and business enrichment scheme.

As Hitler once said, if you are going to lie, make it a big one, repeat it often and eventually it will be accepted as truth.  And sure enough, this philosophy is at work in this senior driver testing scheme.

If the Province wishes to apply driver testing , then it should be applied to all age groups, or at least to the age group that is contributing the most to traffic collisions and injuries — the 18 to 54 year olds.

THE AGE GROUP THAT IS THE SAFEST IS THE SENIOR DRIVING GROUP, so they should be the last to be forced into unreliable driver tests and humiliating memory testing, when the problem drivers are not.

There should be no acceptance of any situation where an entire group is targeted by a business to enrich itself or where the owners of that business venture sits on the very committees at Ministry of Transportation that set Policy.  These behaviors result in catastrophic harm to the most safe of driving groups anywhere.

The Dobbs businesses (SIMARD memory test and DriveABLE) have no support from the scientific community whatever.  Bonnie Dobbs has been observed claiming, despite the countless studies showing the exact opposite, that 70-year olds are the most dangerous people on the road and that most people are demented by 65 years.

This nutty Professor Dobbs actually thinks we all buy into her self-serving indoctrination of discrimination against the safe drivers anywhere.

Sign the Petition at:   http://www.randyhilliermpp.com/petition_seniors_testing


Sun News Misinformation Spreads Falsehoods About Senior Drivers!

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation introduced discriminatory restrictions and special testing for senior drivers in Ontario, under the false pretense that older drivers constitute a significantly higher risk in traffic.  The Ministry is well aware this claim is a total fabrication that serves to justify a simultaneous tax grab and the inappropriate favoritism of a business at the horrific expense of senior drivers and their families.   Continue reading Sun News Misinformation Spreads Falsehoods About Senior Drivers!