THE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION’S DECEITFUL STATISTIC ABOUT SENIOR DRIVERS HAS BEEN DISPELLED, yet the Ministry continues to insist that it’s new memory and driving testing of senior drivers is ethical, moral and justified. It is none of these and worse, it is a gross violation of the constitutional rights of senior drivers not to be targeted for tax grabs and enrichment of private businesses.
On August 6th., 2014, I sent the following information to a long list of people (see bottom of this post for the list) to dispel the deliberate misinformation provided by Bonnie and Allen Dobbs who started this whole scheme in Alberta and who are now pushing it right across Canada.
“The statistics from the Alzheimer’s Association of Canada dated 2011 states that” 747,000 Canadians are Living With Cognitive Impairment, Including Dementia.
Of these, ONLY 14.9 Percent are Over 65 Years of Age. These same statistics are closely mirrored by the Alzheimer Association International, Headquartered in London England.
This means, 85.1 percent of Canadians under the age of 65 years of age, are living with a Cognitive Impairment , including Dementia.
First the MOT said they brought in this discriminatory testing against the senior drivers because they had a higher risk of accidents than any other age group. Every major statistical record, in Canada , the United States , Australia, and the Provinces own statistics have shown, year after year, the elderly are the safest on the road.
Then the MOT said ”they brought in the discriminatory testing based on the high percentage of the senior drivers that have dementia”, which now we know is also false. Only 14.9 percent of those over 65 years have the cognitive impairment, while a whopping 85.1 percent of those under 65, suffer cognitive impairment.
This is an outrage, and should inspire all those with the slightest bit of moral integrity, to take action, if we are to consider ourselves a democracy.
Where are all those agencies, both Government, and non Governmental, that point fingers at other countries, who deny rights to their Citizens while ignoring robbery of the rights of the seniors in Canada?
This is a serious situation, and is only the tip of the iceberg. If you think that taking your licence away unjustifiably is traumatic, consider the message you have just sent to your Governments: Seniors will not fight for their Rights, so future funding will be diverted to other groups, while your benefits, like nursing homes, where they are so under-funded and understaffed that patients are routinely sedated rather than listen to their complaints… and the criminally Insane are lodged, unmonitored, in the same rooms as the elderly. Startling statistics about the Crisis in Care were revealed by CTV’s W5 in Feb 2013. According to CTV’s W5 investigations, W5 segment on September 27, 2013 , sixty elderly are murdered in nursing homes in Canada annually, by the Criminally Insane.
And what about future funding of your share of medical treatments?
Think about this real hard and share all this widely, because the time to act is now, not when you have lost your licence and are in a nursing home being treated as a non-person.”
Yours very concerned of the future of the Elderly in Canada,
Ed. Rockburne, RCMP, Retired,”
Sign the Petition at:
Sent to:
Carp, The Association of Retired People
RCMP Veterans National Association
Randy Hillier, MPP, PC, Lanark County
Scott Reid, Federal Member of Parliament
Alberta Elder Advocates
And Contacts in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia.